It seems like an eternity away now, but at the start of the Summer I went on holiday to the Italian Amalfi coast – the land of ginormous lemons, lemon trees everywhere, and basically everything made with lemons. So I decided now was the time to dust off this lovely cotton voile that had been waiting patiently in my fabric stash for the right occasion.
Before you ask, the fabric sold out aaaages ago after my friend Jane made a gorgeous Kate Spade-inspired dress in the same print. Sorry! But if you’ve seen something similar, do share in the comments :)
Immediately I could see this fabric's potential as a full skirt worn with a stripey top (naturally), so whipped up a speedy Clemence skirt. The instructions to make your own are in my book. At the last minute I decided to add a black exposed zip instead of an invisible zip at the back, to give it a more modern look. It’s not the neatest exposed zip I’ve ever inserted as it was such a late addition, but I’m pleased with the general result all the same!

1) Cut the lining pieces to the same width as the skirt pieces, only a couple of inches shorter – leaving off the hem allowance and making it a bit shorter still so it doesn’t peep out under the bottom of the skirt.
2) Stitch the lining pieces together at the side seams. Trim and press the seam allowances open (there's no need to finish them unless they're fraying heavily, as they'll be hidden). Then finish the hem with an overlocker (serger) – or you could zigzag stitch it or fold under the ends twice and topstitch it.
3) Once you've sewn the skirt pieces at the side seams, but before attaching the waistband, pin the top edge of the lining to the top edge of the skirt, the wrong sides facing each other, matching seam lines and notches. Tack (baste) them together using a 10mm (3/8in) seam allowance.
You can then treat these two layers as one and sew the rest of the skirt as normal.

Sorry I don’t have any pictures of the steps (sometimes it’s just nice to sew for fun without thinking about writing up instructions!), but hopefully you can see how the lining and skirt are attached in the photos above.
As well as ensuring I don’t flash at random strangers, the lining also makes the skirt puff out a little bit more than otherwise. I felt very glam wearing it!
Have you done any holiday sewing recently?