Do you love getting a peek into someone else’s sewing space? I do. I love to take inspiration from how other people organise their fabric stash, keep their sewing tools tidy, and decorate their craft area. A gorgeous sewing room just makes me want to jump up and sew!
We’re going to try out a new feature on the blog in the new year, in which readers give us a tour of their sewing areas. Whether you have a whole room for your craft or squeeze your dressmaking into a corner of the living room, we’d love to see where you sew.

If you’d like to be featured in one of these posts, send an email to Lexy at office (at) tillyandthebuttons.com, with ‘Sewing Space Tours’ in the subject title. In your email, please send us:
- Your full name
- A short paragraph about you and your sewing space (this won’t be published, it’s just for us to get to know you)
- Any links to your blog/website/Instagram etc if you have one
- 5 – 10 gorgeous photos of your sewing space. Please take your photos in natural light, and save them for the web as high quality 650px wide jpegs, with no text/graphic/filter overlays. You may want to include an overview of the space, a picture of you at work, detail shots of your fabric stash, accessories, décor, works in progress or anything else that makes your sewing space unique or inspirational. The more beautiful, creative and inspirational the photos, the better!
If your submission is selected, we’ll be in touch with interview questions (and possibly a request for more photos) at a later date – please be patient if you don’t hear from us right away! There’s no deadline for submission, but we hope to select the first posts in a couple of weeks’ time.
Also, any suggestions for what to call the blog feature? If so, do leave a comment below.
Can’t wait to tour your sewing spaces!