You guys, I'm loving seeing the gorgeous tops and dresses you're making with the Coco sewing pattern. So much so, I reckon we should have a party! An online party, that is, chez le internet, so everyone can come. Woop!
You are cordially invited to the (virtual) Coco Party, taking place all day on Friday 21st March. That's two weeks' time, so you've got plenty of time to order your pattern and make your Coco if you haven't done so already (it's such a speedy project!).
If you'd like to join the party, simply post a photo (or lots of photos!) of yourself wearing your Coco top or dress, even better with a cocktail/mocktail/party paraphernalia, on your blog / Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest. Use the hashtag #SewingCoco so we can all find each other at this party and get socialising, and tweet me or leave a link in the comments on this post so I can see and help share some photos! I hope this will be a nice way for us all to have fun and meet some new-to-us sewing peops online.
Update: In your post, you might also want to recommend a tune for the party playlist!
Now, this isn't a competition, it's purely for the sake of fun and conviviality, but I may just pick out one person whose photo makes me shriek the loudest with glee (whether it's for the design of their Coco, jaw-dropping sartorial wisdom, photography skills or whatever) and send them a signed copy of my book as soon as it's out.
I'll also pull out some of the pics for a dedicated round-up post of the Coco Party. Partaaaaaay!!!
Oh and BTW, I'm now on Instagram! Basically I got bullied into it by Christine, Rachel and Alana. I'm not quite sure what to do, so if you have any tips on using Instagram, please do share. Are there any image editing apps you recommend? Should you re-Instagram stuff like you'd retweet something? What kinds of things would you like to see me post on there?
See you at the Coco Party!